If you made an order on Aliexpress, but upon receipt of the parcel you found that something was wrong with it, it came in poor quality, or it does not have everything that you ordered, or some other problems that could happen due to the fault of the seller himself, then you may be interested in how to return the goods to Aliexpress?Or how to return the money for the goods?
Trading platform https://www.aliexpress.com/ has positive sides in cases of protection of the rights of buyers, if you received an item that does not match the description of the same product, you have the right to return this product, or to demand a refund of full or partial funds.
For a successful return of the product, you need to make sure that it is really subject to return, there are several criteria for evaluation:
All these cases give the right to return the goods back to China, to the seller Aliexpress.
If you still want to return the goods, then you will have 3 options for how to deal with low-quality goods. What can be done:
Regarding the first option, this is the case, but you need to understand one thing, if you ordered the goods and delivery to your country from China was for a few dollars, or free. Then the reverse mandrel can cost significantly more. Therefore, before you send it back, you need to clarify the cost of return shipping, and make a decision or this option will be beneficial for you, because you will have to pay for return shipping.
Regarding the exchange, you can arrange with the seller to exchange this product, or simply send a working replacement, without an additional surcharge. But you will need to wait for some more time, and be without the thing you need, which you received low-quality this time. If the seller is not quite decent, then it is not clear that he will eventually send you more.
In the current situation, a partial refund would be a good option, you can ask for a refund of part of the money, and at the same time keep the goods for yourself, if, for example, it is simply damaged and you can use it, if this product partially suits you, then you can demand a refund of part of the money spent as compensation.
If you receive a more or less expensive package, you should definitely take a video of receiving and unpacking what you received. It is this video that you can use as proof that the wrong product has been sent to you or it is defective or some other discrepancy has occurred with your goods.
If there is still some kind of problem with the parcel, then the next step is to come home and write a personal message to the seller, and explain the situation, if the store in which you bought the goods is decent, then the seller will offer solutions to the problem, if there is no response or concrete action from the seller, you need to open a dispute.
Most often, if the store has a good rating and a lot of reviews, then the seller will offer an option that will suit both sides. But you need to be careful and not agree to receive money by third-party methods and methods, except for the Aliexpress system itself.
What can be the proof when opening a dispute?
If you decide to open a dispute, then you definitely need truthful and concrete evidence that will increase your chances of winning the dispute you have opened.
The proof of a poor-quality or wrong product may be:
The more specific and as clear as possible you write, and at the same time attach a large amount of evidence, the more chances you have to win the dispute.
If you do not want to return the goods back to the seller, then when opening a dispute, do not specify “return the full cost”, in this case you can remain without the goods and without money. If you decide to exchange or return, then you need to clarify with the seller who will pay for the return shipment of the goods, because most often it is the buyer who has to pay for the return shipment of the goods.
If you opened a dispute, chatted with the seller and solved your problem together.
By the way, the seller has several options that can act in the event of a dispute:
If you decide to send the goods, or exchange them, then you will need to go to the post office, pack your defective goods, pay for delivery, unless you have agreed with the seller about something else. And within 10 days to transfer (write in private messages) the track number of the sent parcel. If this does not happen, the seller may close the dispute not in your favor.
In order to send the goods back to the seller, you need to first discuss this with the seller, and he must give you the full address and index where you need to send your defective parcel. If you have specified these details, and already know where to send the parcel, we go to the post office.
At the post office, you need to pack everything in accordance with the rules, or ask an employee to do it for you, then you need to pay for the shipment if you pay for delivery to China, the cost may be different, it all depends on the size and weight of the parcel and its packaging.
After that, you should be given a receipt with the parcel's track number on it, if you can't find it, you can immediately ask at the post office for the track number to be emphasized in the receipt. You will definitely need to send this track number to the seller, in private messages.
Important! Do not close the dispute if you have not received compensation yet. Even if the seller promised you something. Because if you have closed the dispute, it cannot be opened again.
If you are returning the money for the first time, then you do not yet know that Aliexpress provides for waiting for 30 days after the return of the goods. The seller must pay you the money after the end of the waiting time. The seller, at his discretion, can extend this period, and wait until the parcel reaches back to China.
If you agree to receive a partial refund, then within 10 days, the seller will be obliged to reimburse part of the amount that you agree on or specify in the dispute. And in this case, the package itself remains with you.
There is also such an option as the exchange of parcels, but it is better not to use this method, since there are cases that the goods may simply not be sent to you, and you, in turn, will send even the goods that were defective or partially damaged.
You have every chance to both win the dispute and lose it, now let's look at the reasons why you may be denied a dispute:
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