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How to return money to the seller on Aliexpress?

aaazizova 2023-02-02 15:40:02

Very often, users of the Aliexpress website have a question about how to return money to the seller on Aliexpress. Perhaps you had such a situation that you ordered the product then it did not arrive for a long time, and perhaps it was not tracked by the tracking number or was tracked but up to some point. As a result, you opened a dispute on Aliexpress and based on the fact that the parcel was lost, or for example, the purchase confirmation period is coming to an end, you were refunded the money in the dispute.

After a while, the parcel arrives, but the seller has already returned the money. It turns out that you have several ways to act in this situation, you can simply ignore the receipt of the parcel and keep the money for it, or you can send the money back to the seller. How to do this we will describe further.

How to return money to the seller on Aliexpress?

If you have a PayPal account, you can send money to the seller for it, for this you need to contact the seller, write to him about the situation and tell him that you want to refund the money to him since you have already received the parcel.

There is another way to solve the problem of returning money to the seller. First of all, we need to go to the “Personal account” in the “My orders” section of Aliexpress. Then we find the product we need, for which you want to return the money to the seller. And near the cost of the goods, there is a button “Message to the seller" click on it.

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After that, we will see a page with a description of the purchased product, a little below you will see a form for sending text messages. In the message you need to write, for example, the following text:  “Hello, I recently bought this product from you, but since he did not come, I opened the dispute and the money was returned to me, but some time passed and the parcel came to me, everything was fine with her. I want to return your money for this product, I’ll buy it from you again, but you can not send it to me.

We insert it into the form for sending text messages and click the “Send” button.

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Tags: Aliexpress Money Return
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