Aliexpress is a platform where every seller can open a store and sell their goods, and since there are thousands of them on the site and not all sellers are conscientious. If the seller gets a bad one, then he can send a fake, low-quality product, or not send the parcel at all.
Therefore, Aliexpress has buyer protection and most often you will get your money back in such an unpleasant situation with any problem with the goods if it happened through the fault of the seller or the courier service.
There are several ways to complain about the seller.
Let's consider in more detail the second option of writing a complaint against the seller through the site Administration. To do this, we need to go to the website and select "My Aliexpress" in the drop-down menu
Next step, click the "Manage Reports" button in the side menu (on the left)
Super Deals on AliexpressThen you need to choose the reason for the creation:
Intellectual Property Right Holder's Complaint — If you, being the copyright holder or a representative of the intellectual property right holder, would like to file a complaint about the violation of relevant rights, such as trademarks, patents (patents for inventions, designs, etc.), or copyrights (including rights to images, portraits, etc.).
Copyright Infringement Complaint — If you are not the copyright holder of intellectual property, but would like to file a complaint against a third party who violated intellectual property rights, please follow the link below to file a complaint.
Placement violations — The Seller has published an offer to sell a product that has delivery restrictions, is prohibited or is not suitable for transportation (delivery).
To look for Similar Violations — The use of illegal methods of promotion in the search, for example, the indication of a low price, the re-publication of the same products, and so on. If you have already placed an order, select the appropriate order and click "Open Dispute". Do not select "Search Violations", otherwise the dispute will not be accepted.
In other cases, you need to open a dispute.
Super Deals on AliexpressIf you have mistakenly confirmed receipt of the goods (parcels), a dispute can be opened only if 15 days have not passed since your erroneous confirmation of receipt of the goods or 15 days after the completion of the buyer protection service.
Also, if 15 days have passed after the completion of the transaction, then the dispute can no longer be opened, so if the order is confirmed, and something is wrong with the received product, it does not work or is defective, then you can write a complaint to the Aliexpress Administration against the seller.
You can also write directly to the seller and try to resolve this problem yourself.
You can also write to the online technical support of the Aliexpress website and describe the essence of the problem.
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