Fast search products with extension

Install the extension for your browser and find the product by photo or picture from any site on the aliexpress website.

How the aliexpress extension helps you find products

kandimen 2023-01-22 18:43:18

A large trading platform from China no longer surprises anyone, everyone uses its services and receives incredible benefits from it. The cost of goods is minimal, their range is huge, the convenience of buying is maximum.

Delivery services are guaranteed to deliver goods and do it quite quickly. But, despite the development of the trading platform, one problem has not been solved. The search for goods is quite difficult, it is not always possible to find what the buyer needs.

A special extension for aliexpress will help you solve this problem and make shopping even more comfortable.

Extensions for aliexpress how it works

Initially, you need to install the application in your browser. This is a fairly simple and standard procedure that takes a few seconds of time. After the installation is completed, an icon of a new extension will appear at the top of the browser, which is ready to go.

Extensions for aliexpressSuper Deals on Aliexpress

If you click on this icon, you will see a small set of functions, but it is quite enough to search for the desired product. At the same time, you do not need to know the exact name of this product on aliexpress.

The main function of this extension is to search for the right products on the site by photo or image. Users always face the problem when they enter the exact name of the product in the search bar, but they get completely the wrong result.

At the same time, you can easily find a photo of the desired product on the Internet. If there is an image, then you just need to upload it to the service, it will analyze the picture, determine the type of product, and give the exact result with links to aliexpress.

How to implement search on aliexpress by photo from a computer

First of all, you can install the extension and use it. This is the easiest and best way for those who are often faced with searching for goods on the Chinese marketplace and do not find what they need.

You will install the extension in a few seconds, with no additional configuration required. By opening the extension, you can search aliexpress by photo from your computer, upload a picture from your hard drive or provide a link to it from another site.

Search results will appear in a few seconds, you can make a bargain.

You can also go to the site, where there is the same functionality for finding the right products. On the site page you see few functions, but here there is everything that will help you find products from the huge aliexpress catalog.

Using a special form on the site, you can select an image file on your computer and upload it to the server, where it will be quickly processed and recognized by smart algorithms.

If there is no downloaded image, then you can simply specify a link to the image on the Internet, the system will automatically download it and give the exact search result. This method is suitable for those who do not want to install additional software in their browser or who do not often feel the need to search for goods by image.

Tags: Aliexpress help search goods
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