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What do the items "Order closed" and "Shipment canceled" mean on AliExpress and what should I do if this happens?

aaazizova 2023-04-17 09:35:50

What do the items "Order closed" and "Shipment canceled" mean on AliExpress and what should I do if this happens?

To save time when canceling delivery, it is recommended to contact the seller. In most cases, you will be able to get explanations about why your order was closed or withdrawn. Not in all cases it is possible to resolve the situation in this way, since the seller himself may not know the reason. Let's look at different cases and find out how to get a refund.

Shipment canceled

Sometimes there is such a situation: the parcel leaves the warehouse, and you track its further movement, but the inscription is displayed: "The order is canceled." The comment may indicate that the parcel was excluded from the list at the sorting center and therefore was not processed.

  1. The first reason is very simple: the courier forgot or did not have time to pick up the parcel or it did not pass customs control in China, in which case a refund occurs. The fact is that counterfeit products often do not even pass the initial inspection. This is done in the interests of customers. If you see such a message, it is best to write to the seller in your native or English language. Such communication is considered effective because in most cases the parties find a common language. Not everything depends on the sender, and you need to understand that this is not the seller's fault.
  2. The next reason. Your parcel has been rechecked and a new shipment number has been assigned. In this case, there is no need to open a dispute, since the data is updated automatically. Next, you will track your item by a new number. If a new number has not been issued, and the reason for the cancellation remains unknown, it is recommended not to delay, but to open a dispute as soon as possible. As a result, the money will be returned to you in a new amount. This is the policy of AliExpress.

The order is canceled automatically

After you have ordered the goods on the website, the seller gets time to ship. The sender may not have time to poison the parcel in time, and then you will receive a message about automatic cancellation. The reasons may be different: sometimes it is a human factor, sometimes irresponsibility, and sometimes the result of poor communication.

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Do not worry, because in this case, you will receive your money without opening a dispute, they will return to the account without unnecessary problems. At the same time, cancellations can be prevented. This item is relevant if you purchase a thing at a discount and do not want to lose privileges.

If you write to the seller, you can find out exactly what problem he has. Your order will be rechecked, this is very useful, as it allows you to find out the situation and speed up the process. Sometimes the goods are not in stock, and the person who sends the parcels is waiting for the thing to appear again. Also, delays often occur during the holidays.

It should be remembered that the European and Chinese New Year are celebrated on different days. Many people order gifts for Christmas (in early January). In order not to get into a difficult situation, you can choose gifts earlier or extend the processing period; this can be done when the cancellation date is approaching.

You may lose confidence in your seller, in which case it is advisable to request a cancellation, as a result of which you will receive a refund. This usually happens when the seller periodically fails to fulfill his promises

The order was canceled by the seller

The seller can initiate the cancellation himself. This most often happens in cases when the goods have run out, there is no way to send them, and he does not want to send the parcel. The seller can cancel the order without explanation. If this happens too often, the store owner may be fined. To prevent this from happening, the seller's representatives may ask you to click "cancel" so that the store can maintain its rating and reputation. You decide for yourself what to do in this situation. Let's analyze this question in more detail further.

What should I do if the seller asks to cancel the order?

In some cases, the seller tries to cheat. When he sees that you have used a coupon or promo code, he may ask you to cancel the order, as some circumstances have arisen. In fact, he just doesn't want to pay for your discount. If the seller cancels the order himself, he may receive a fine. You should not cancel the order upon request in the following cases:

  1. You purchase a product with a discount on a promotion or coupon and do not want to part with this advantageous offer.
  2. You don't need the product urgently. You can wait if the seller delays the process specifically to raise the price. In most cases, sellers are afraid to cancel on their own.

You should cancel the order if you want to receive the goods quickly and you are not satisfied with the seller. It is better to look for more attractive offers and a performer on whom you can rely.

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The order is closed for security reasons

Most often this happens due to the fact that a coupon is used twice, that is, the order is placed at the same address. In order to rectify the situation, you need to change the address or no longer use your coupon. Do not try to repeat the same actions many times, it may be regarded as fraud. Follow the rules of AliExpress to receive services in full. If you want to complete the order, then you need to delete the coupon. Also, the platform may doubt the validity of your account or card, a message about this will appear below. To deal with the problem:

  1. Send the license to Alipay.
  2. Send the necessary documents.

It is recommended to read the article where AliExpress error codes are mentioned. You can find out more about your problem and read about solutions.

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Other reasons for cancellation

The company may freeze your order if an inspection is carried out against the seller. Some stores on the portal are created with violations, and in order to fix all the shortcomings, it is necessary to stop existing orders and force sellers to make everything right. It should be remembered that every day there are many new stores, and it is unrealistic for the administration of AliExpress to check everything quickly. For this reason, it is recommended to independently check the reliability of the seller, there is an instruction on the website. Buy things only in those stores that do not arouse your suspicion.

The next common reason for refusal is that the order has not been paid. You will be given a few extra days to pay. If you do not use your chance, then cancellation will follow. Cancellation is made automatically if you do not meet the deadlines. The seller can see the list of unpaid items, but does not send them until you have fulfilled your obligations. You must pay for the goods on time. The reminder system works, it operates in automatic mode.

Should I request a refund?

The most important thing is to know when the cancellation was made – before sending the goods or after. It is necessary to act in the case when the goods were sent, but then the message came: "The order has been canceled." You have two options, you can choose one of them at your discretion:

  1. Talk to the seller and find out the reason. Perhaps he is not to blame for the cancellation.
  2. Open a dispute if you have tried point 1, but have not received exhaustive explanations.

If the seller did not have time to send the order, then you will see the message "Closed". We can assume that the process of automatic refund has started from this moment. In this case, you can not take any action.

Refund of funds

It should be remembered that the refund is made only to the card with which the order was paid. This measure exists to counter fraud. If you want to withdraw money to another card, then you need to contact technical support to resolve this issue. There is a complete guide for refunds on AliExpress, it can be found on the website. It is recommended to read this document.

Each payment method has its own refund procedure. If you click on the "Payment" and "Finance" tabs, you can monitor the status of the order when all three balls turn orange, you can assume that the refund has been fully implemented. To find answers to the most common questions, you can go to the FAQ section. Carefully read the terms of the agreement, as the seller in disputed cases will rely on the points of the rules of the AliExpress website.

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If you see a message that the product is "closed" or "canceled", then do not worry, because this is standard practice, and many buyers face such problems. As a rule, such issues are resolved during the day. If a mistake is made by you, then it can be corrected. If the seller is to blame, then you can choose another store to get better services.

Tags: Aliexpress Shipping order
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