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How to check the refund status on Aliexpress?

aaazizova 2023-02-02 15:59:05

If you previously canceled a paid order, and Aliexpress had to refund your money to you, then you can find out in this article how to check the refund status. It often happens that you are waiting for a refund, but they are not there, for a more specific picture, you can check this refund status.

How to check the refund status on Aliexpress?Super Deals on Aliexpress

How to check the refund status on Aliexpress?

To check whether the money was returned to you for the canceled order or not, you need to go to the website and go to your personal account, there will be a drop-down menu list at the top right, where after authorization you can find “My orders".

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On the page with a detailed description of the product, you can see the “Refund information” button a little lower, click on it to view the entire history of events that occurred with our payment for this product.

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When you clicked on “Refund information” then detailed information will be available to you, with the dates when and what happened to your payment for this order, and you will see the date of refund of funds if it was made.

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You can see that there were 3 actions with your payment:

Make a request— this event indicates that Aliexpress returned the money to the bank or the payment system through which you made the payment.

Processing is when a payment system or bank processes your payment.

Finished is already your bank or payment system that sends you the amount of money to be refunded to your account, and some time after this date, which is indicated on the Aliexpress website, the money will appear in your account.

Tags: Aliexpress refund
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