After you place an order on Aliexpress, the seller has 3-10 days to process the order. During this period of time, the seller must have time to pack and send your parcel.
This is the time that the Aliexpress platform allocates to the seller for completing, packaging and shipping the goods. Do not be confused with the time of order protection, as this is the period of time during which you can open a dispute.
It so happens that you could order such a product that is not available from the seller, or you ordered during the holidays and the seller does not work at this time and also the delivery service. And in such cases, the order processing needs to wait longer than usual. In such cases, you can either cancel the order or extend the processing time and wait for shipment.
It may also depend on the payment method of the goods Aliexpress, if you pay by credit card then the processing may take 1-3 days, and if you pay for example WebMoney then payment processing can take up to 1 hour. And after that time, the seller begins to pack and complete your product.
The order processing time on Aliexpress can be extended by going to “My orders” on the page
Super Deals on AliexpressAnd next to the order you need to click on the “Extend processing time” button
Super Deals on AliexpressNote that if the seller does not send the order for a long time, it is better for you to cancel the order and buy the same product on Aliexpress from another seller. But you need to remember that until the seller confirms the cancellation of the order, the money will not be returned to you. Or you can write a message to the seller before canceling the order and hurry up the seller.
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