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Full version of Aliexpress

aaazizova 2023-02-09 17:33:03

If you have logged in from your mobile phone to the main page of the site (The full version of Aliexpress), then your phone can automatically redirect you to the mobile version, it is not very convenient and with limited functionality.

To use the regular full version of the Aliexpress website on a mobile phone or tablet, you need to follow the link

If you need to change the currency display throughout the site, for example, put prices in rubles, dollars, or euros, then at the top of the site on the right click on “Delivery to “

Super Deals on Aliexpress

For the most convenient shopping experience, we recommend switching to the full version of the site if you use a tablet or smartphone. Buying through the full version of the Aliexpress website is much faster and more convenient.

Tags: Aliexpress Full version
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