To find a product on a Chinese marketplace, you have to spend a huge amount of time, even if the product is standard. You enter a logical name for this product, but in the results you get something completely different from what you need.
This is a serious problem and an obstacle for the buyer, but the marketplace cannot solve it. The Chinese seller calls the product whatever he wants, the system translates the information automatically, which distorts the name of the product and this becomes the very problem for the buyer.
But a special aliexpress chrome extension allows you to solve this problem.
This is software that is installed in the browser and extends its functionality. This extension is configured to work with a popular Chinese trading platform, it serves as a kind of product search system.
The developer thought about how to solve the problem of users around the world and provide a more accurate and easier way to search. This is how the aliexpress extension for Google Chrome appeared, which allows you to search for the desired products by their image, and not by name.
At the same time, in practice, the system showed almost 100% accuracy of its work, which means that the problem is completely solved.
Everything works quite simply, you need to upload a picture to the extension, after which it will be recognized, and similar options on Ali will be presented to you for inspection.
The essence of such a search is that it is much easier to find what the product you need looks like. Someone has already taken a screenshot of the product of interest, someone finds the product on the domestic market by entering the correct name, but entering the same name on aliexpress, nothing can be found.
But now you don’t need to do this, if you have a picture of a product, then smart algorithms will do the work for you and provide an accurate result.
There is no doubt that Chrome has become the go-to browser for the vast majority of internet users. This is a handy software from Google that has a huge number of features and capabilities.
But not all users have the desire to install extensions and increase the functionality of their browser, many try to keep the browser in its original form. If you do not want to install the extension for chrome aliexpress, then there is a way out.
By going to the site you can find all the necessary functionality of the service and use the smart image search.
Here you can both upload an image to the server and give a link to it, thereby not clogging up your device with unnecessary pictures.
The picture with the product will be uploaded to the server, where it will already be recognizable by smart algorithms. The recognition process itself is quite complicated, but the user needs to spend a few seconds in order to get an accurate result.
Almost instantly links to similar products will be issued to the user. Now there will be no problems with the search for goods.
To find a product on a Chinese marketplace, you have to spend a huge amount of time, even if the product is standard. You enter a logical name for this product, but in the results you get something completely differen...