If you want to make your first purchase in a Chinese online store, you definitely need to learn how to register on Aliexpress. It is https://ru.aliexpress.com store that is the most popular in the world where you can buy almost everything you need.
Very easy registration process, you need to fill in a few fields, such as:
Go to registration: https://login.aliexpress.com/join/buyer/expressJoin.htm
You can also register with Facebook by clicking on the button at the top of the registration form.
Important! You need to fill everything in Latin letters.
After clicking on the “Create Your Profile” button, you will be redirected to a page with a message about successful registration.
Additionally, Aliexpress will send you an email to the email address you provided during registration. You will need to verify your email, so please use your real email when registering. To activate your profile, click on the "Continue" button in the email
After clicking on Continue, you will see a message that your profile has been successfully activated.
There are many free mail services where you can get mail. The most popular are Yandex.Mail and the mail service from Google Gmail.
Registration on Yandex.Mail: https://passport.yandex.ru/registration/mail
You need to fill in all the fields and click the "Register" but
Signing up for Gmail (Google): https://accounts.google.com/signup/v2/webcreateaccount
After filling in all the fields, you can click on the “Next” button and receive a mailbox.
If you have an Android tablet or phone, then most likely you already have a mail account in the Google system, you can find it on your phone. To do this, go to Settings - Other accounts (and there you should see the Google logo) and next to it will be your email address.
If you do not have a computer or laptop at hand, you can register through your mobile phone, or rather through the application. For this you need to go to
Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alibaba.aliexpresshd
App Store https://www.apple.com/ru/ios/app-store/ in the search for applications, enter the word Aliexpress.
Important! The app developer must be Alibaba Mobile as there are many dubious apps that look like the original.
After registration, you can immediately start shopping, but there are a few more nuances of economical shopping. If you're interested, read to the end.
In order to save even more, you can use the cashback service https://itcashback.com/ You can get back part of the money spent from each purchase. Up to about 6% percent. Depending on the category of goods that you will buy.
You can also save using coupons that give a discount on certain products, and some coupons on all products. You can read more about coupons here:
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