Fast search products with extension

Install the extension for your browser and find the product by photo or picture from any site on the aliexpress website.

Aliexpress product search by photo (how to find a product by picture on Aliexpress)

aaazizova 2023-02-05 09:01:02

It often happens that you saw some kind of thing on the Internet and wanted to buy the same one for yourself, the first thing you can do is search on Aliexpress because in China there is everything and a lot of things are sold on Aliexpress. For this case, a product search by photo is useful, we will tell you in more detail further.

How to search on Aliexpress by photo?

To search for a picture, you first need to have the picture (image) saved on your computer, or alternatively, you can use a link to an image from a third-party site.

You can use the browser extension. It allows you to find the product as easily and quickly as possible by the picture on Aliexpress.

To do this, it is enough to take a few steps:

  1. Install the extension (links to the extension will be slightly lower)
  2. On any website, click the right mouse button on the picture or photo, and select search on Aliexpress in the context menu.
  3. Get the product search result.

For the Chrome browser

For the Firefox browser

Super Deals on Aliexpress

The second way, we need to open a website after that, open the site in a new tab click on the “Pictures" section.

Super Deals on Aliexpress

In the next step, we need to click on the camera icon in the search bar, on the Google site. You will either need to select an image on your computer or insert a link to an image from another site.

Super Deals on Aliexpress

After you select a picture from your computer or insert a link, a search for the picture will begin, and will show you all the sites where this picture occurs. If you can't find the Aliexpress website itself among the results presented to you, you can use an additional filter to enter in the search bar

Tags: Aliexpress search
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