There are often cases in which you register on the site, but you come up with a password on the go, after which you do not save it and do not use it. After a few days, you want to go to the Aliexpress website, and not one password does not fit. And then you may have a question, how do restore the password on Aliexpress?
Super Deals on AliexpressAfter several unsuccessful attempts to log in to your personal account you will need to use “Password Recovery", this can be done as follows. In the authorization form, click on the inconspicuous link “Forgot password". Alternatively, you can log in by scanning the QR code from the official app.
Super Deals on AliexpressAfter a new page opens, you will see a field for entering your email or login to which you registered your account in Aliexpress.
Super Deals on AliexpressAfter you enter the email, the "Continue" button will become active.
On the next page, you will already see a page where you can enter the verification code that Aliexpress sent to your email address, you can also click on the link “Other ways to verify” if you suddenly want to restore your password in another way. After one more minute, you can send the code again by clicking on the click to "Get code" button.
Super Deals on AliexpressDidn't receive an email confirmation code?
The e-mail message will come in this form.
Super Deals on AliexpressAfter you enter the verification code correctly, the next step of password recovery will become available to you. Here you need to write a new password 2 times in a row.
Super Deals on AliexpressAfter clicking on the “Update password” button, you will receive a message that everything was successful.
Super Deals on AliexpressSometimes you need to change an existing password to another one. To do this, you need to go to the website and select “My Aliexpress" on the website.
Super Deals on AliexpressOn the left side, there will be a menu item “Setting"->"Change password"
Super Deals on AliexpressSuper Deals on AliexpressAfter clicking on the “Change password" button, you will be redirected to the same page as password recovery, you need to go through the same steps to set a new password.
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