You know, and we have written more than once in our articles that it is very important to buy from a seller with a good rating and a lot of reviews. But there are situations that one seller has some kind of product but with a low rating, or for example the same product but there is a difference in price. For example, a seller with a high rating sells a product more expensive by 10 -20 dollars, while a seller without a rating sells cheaper.
You need to understand that if there is no difference in price between a seller's product with a high rating and a seller with a low rating, then it is better to buy from someone who has more reviews. But if there is a difference in price, and you would like to save a little, then you can buy from a less popular seller.
In this case, the main thing is to monitor the delivery of the goods, as well as the time of protection of the buyer. If the deadline for opening a dispute expires, you will not be able to open a dispute, and if there are problems with the goods, you will not be able to return the money.
Every seller who now has a huge number of reviews, was once without a rating. All new sellers who have only recently registered, simply did not have time to sell a large number of products in order to receive a large number of reviews.
If you see that an unverified seller has a very low cost of goods, and other sellers with a higher rating sell exactly the same product much more expensive, for example, by $ 40 or more. Then you'd better not buy this product from such a seller. But if you really, really want to buy at a significantly low price, you can buy, but then you need to carefully monitor the delivery of the goods, and in case of any problems, have time to open a dispute before the buyer's protection time expires.
You can check the amount of time left until the end of the buyer's protection on the product page itself, in your personal account — Orders. In the list of products, find the one you need and click “Order Details" next to the product itself.
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