Finding replicas of famous products (especially clothes) on Aliexpress became extremely hard due to official restrictions. The marketplace has been applying them for years, but now they are really harsh. Even though there’s some limits and difficulties, sellers from China still sell the exact copies of original brandy items often. How to know if you’re buying an original item while shopping on Aliexpress? These tips will help.
Their price is surprisingly low even though the photos look really decent. These items have just a few ratings as well. Many stores that sell replicas are mainly named as “Shop” and a large quantity of numbers afterwards. Keep in mind that Aliexpress is paying attention to these kinds of sellers and they might be banned soon, so the replicas are really hard to get nowadays.
This trick might be helpful when you buy electronic products. You can check if they are original or not by entering a special serial number on the official dealer’s website. Also while buying a phone it’s easy to detect if it’s fake by system and facility.
The easiest and the most important step while purchasing a famous brand’s products is choosing the right store. Never forget to check its ratings and comments: the reviews from recent buyers must contain photos and details. Backup history and description from them is also important. The more buyers trust the store and share their opinion on it frankly - the better for you to choose it.
Check the top of the store's homepage. There must be everything described above: usually the best stores have a good rating and tons of reviews. Some buyers still may not be that satisfied, but you have to analyze their opinion too. Also the most trustworthy stores have a “Top Brand” label on their pages.
The best and verified stores got this label for their service and qualified products. This symbol means excellent rating and guarantees that buyers will get only the best stuff from Top Branded sellers. You’ll get only original goods from these shops for sure.
This list contains products that are faked most often. You should be extra careful while buying them:
It’s really hard to see if your speaker is real or fake, since the manufacturers use the exact same logo and name. While purchasing the JBL speaker, you should check the official dealer’s site to see if they got the same models. Then go to the store’s page again and make sure that all of the parameters are matching.
Apple products are really expensive, so lots of stores are selling their replicas with the same design and lower price. The quality might be much worse as well. But in the case of Aliexpress, mobile phones and various models of iPhones are being real in 99% of cases. That’s because they are refurbished: you are buying a fixed and renewed phone that looks just like a fresh original one. They also work quite well, but you should see the description to consider all the possible nuances: battery problems, system errors and other possible stuff.
It’s easy to spot fake Nike or Adidas sneakers by an extremely low price. It might be good to get an Air Jordans for 40$ from Shop_0000, but it’s obviously a replica.
Some stores offer to buy famous Seresto flea collars at really low prices. Even though it seems like no problem, you still should consider that:
Well-known brands of facial products offer expensive stuff with natural ingredients. You might see the exact same cosmetics on Aliexpress, but the low price says it all. If the product that interests you has a price at least 20% lower than the original version - it’s fake. Some sellers also fail to duplicate a package: logo might look clumsy, the colors might be different, or there could be even other obvious mistakes.
If you have received a fake item instead of the original, you need to take a few steps to solve this problem:
You should always be careful to check the product for counterfeiting before buying. If you have any doubts about the authenticity of the original, contact a specialist to help you with this issue.
Original items are different from fake items in terms of quality, brand, and cost.
The original has a higher quality of workmanship and uses high-quality materials. Over time, its value may increase, depending on the rarity and popularity of the item. The number of original items may be limited, which increases their value.
Fake items may differ in quality and materials of manufacture. They are often used in the process of mass production, which reduces the cost of goods. The cost of counterfeit goods usually depends on their demand in the market.
Counterfeits can be made of different materials, which makes them less durable than the originals. In addition, counterfeits may look very similar to the originals, but may not have the same level of quality, making them less attractive to buyers.
So, the choice between original and fake items depends on how important it is for you to have quality items and the dealing around your own image, as well as how much you are willing to pay for the price of the creativity of the product's author.
Aliexpress might have banned this store for selling replicas already. Some stores even use the tactic where they open a store and close it in a short span of time so the Aliexpress wont detect any anomalies. In this way, there’s no sense in contacting the seller: they won’t receive your message and will never respond.
If it’s already shipped - you don’t need to worry, it’ll be delivered to you by a simple course. Even if the store is already closed but the order hasn't been shipped yet - the seller might still bring it to the post office and send it to you.
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