Choosing clothes in online stores is not always an easy matter, because different online stores give different size tables, and in some countries the sizes may differ. When buying clothes on Aliexpress, you can see both international size tables, where sizes are combined for all countries, as well as size tables separately for each country.
If you are not sure whether you have chosen the right clothes, you can check additional information with the seller, to contact the seller, you can see the “Contact the seller” block on the left side on the page of the product you need.
Important: There are cases when there is no possibility to choose the desired size on the product page (there is no selection button), in this case you need to write in the comments to the order what size you need, the comment field will be immediately after clicking “buy now" on the next page.
For example, you can view which size tables can be found on Aliexpress when choosing clothes.
This size chart shows in comparison the sizes for such countries as Russia, Italy, France, England, the USA, and Japan. Now you can easily choose the size when buying women's clothing, trousers, and jeans.
In this article, we will look at what an order snapshot is for and what it is, as well as where to view it on the Aliexpress website.
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